We have been busily reading our Spring books, working on our Early Spring Nature Table, planning our garden, sewing seeds and getting our nature bag supplies collected. All of the snow has melted from our yard and the winter gear is ready to be packed away. The sun is shining, flowers & trees are budding, the birds are chirping, the squirrels are busy digging up stored food.
The kids have found a cure for their cabin fever which includes (but not limited to): puddle jumping, mud digging, nature collecting, bird watching, park swinging, and all around squeals of delight that spring has arrived.
Our long & dark Canadian winter hibernation is over . . . let the sun shine, the rain pour and our world turn green all around us right before our eyes! Magical.
Yeah! Spring is here! It's been a long Winter, especially in the mountains but I can see my grass finally. Love the nature table what a great idea. When my niece was visiting I thinks she found every puddle when we were walking downtown. Messy but sooooo fun!