This is a picture of the kids craft cupboard which is in the kitchen right off the dining room since they do most of their work at the dining room table. I wanted them to have free access to it so they could decide when they wanted to create and what materials they wanted to use. Almost all of their supplies are kept here except for the small things that are choking hazards and of course there is a lock so that Gabriel can't get in.

Both Madison and Carter have been spending a lot of time experimenting with their water colour paints. I love how the morning winter's sun shines in the south facing dining room window while they work. Magical.

This is one of Carter's pieces created with their
Stockmar beeswax crayons in both blocks and sticks. They each have a wire bound scrap book to draw in which keeps everything together and makes it easier to look back at their work. I try to remember to date things and write a description of the drawing since it isn't always so obvious!

They both love their Djeco stamps and stamp pads, Madison has the
princess stamps and Carter has the
knights, how surprising. Carter uses his at least once a day, he gets ink all over his hands and face and all over the table but when he's done he always asks for a cloth to clean up, puts the stamps back in their box and puts them back in the craft cupboard. Impressive. And of course Madison's are as neat & tidy as the day she got them.
I love their new craft cupboard. I love the endless possibilities and creativity it allows. I love the time we share together. I love their imaginations and watching how it materializes through their art. What more could a mother want?
Wow - I wish our craft "cupboard" was that neat and tidy. Jen