Tuesday, May 26, 2009

School Reading

I've been doing a bit of my own unschooling, which stemmed from Vintage Chica's "Summer Un-school", that I signed up for a couple of months ago. The controversy that followed absolutely astonished me and I had to read up on the topic some more myself.

I still don't get why the "radical unschoolers" have a problem with calling it "Summer Un-school", to me its like someone stated in the comments, why would a vegetarian/vegan discourage someone from trying vegetarianism/veganism? The opposite should be true, if you really are that passionate about your philosophy/lifestyle then you should be encouraging others to try it and not feel threatened by that. You certainly cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.

Enough said, well except: thank you to Erin for hosting Summer Un-school on her blog and for so gracefully and articulately taking all the "heat" for it, what an amazing opportunity you have given our children and our families to learn and to grow. And thank you to all the other unschooling mamas who are sharing their experiences.

My oldest attends our local public french immersion primary school and loves it. The challenge we have is that Canada is a bilingual country (english & french) and since we live in Ottawa (Canada's capital city) bilingualism is a necessity. Both myself and Scott were never given the opportunity as children to attend french immersion school and are now only english speaking. If we were to homeschool our children we would not be able to teach them french, they would have to take french classes and would not have the benefit of immersion. Thus, if they at a later time wanted to or needed to enter the school system they would have to take the english stream. This is a major consideration and obstacle.

This summer I will take the kids lead, help them to learn, to explore, to grow, at their leisure, on their own will. I will follow their own natural curiosity, I will be their social convenior, their chief researcher, their chauffer, their exploration companion, their documentarian, the carrier of the library book bag. I do have activities, crafts, field trips, adventures planned to fill in some gaps but we will have our summer un-school.


  1. What a decision? I agree, french immersion is a great and difficult choice with you not having a solid french speaking background. I have friends who are learning french themselves at this point in life in order to help their children with their homework. I'm sure the time your kids get with you on a daily basis and especially in the summer is a wonderful base for them.

  2. awesome, I wish I were able to help my kids be bilingual. Here they should be learning spanish (which I don't speak, but wish i could). I wish they taught it in the schools! I'm headed over to learn more about summer unschool!

  3. I agree about feeling confused about why the Summer Un-schooling project Erin is hosting was such a controversy. I think it is a great way to find out if Un-schooling is for you! If we decide not to homeschool, we will be doing french immersion as well! I am excited to follow your journey with you as un-school this summer! Look forward to reading your upcoming posts:)
