Monday, July 20, 2009

My Absence Excuses

My lack of postings are due to the following excuses:

:: no internet access, but just with my username (hmmm ?)

:: the camera was last in Scott's possession which he thinks he left in the shed which has the basketball sized hornet's nest in it!

So once I get these two issues dealt with I will be back to regular postings but for now I'm taking my time and enjoying the lazy days of summer with the kids (poor Daddy has to go to work).

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy those lazy days......they don't last forever! I will have no internet next week, we're off to the soo this Thursday and will be at Pancake Bay the whole time. I will check in with you when I'm back and hope you have a deserved rest!:) (sometimes it's a nice break to not have the easy access of the computer and all it's distractions)
